Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Piano sheet for River flows in you by Yiruma?

where can I find the piano notes for

';River flows in you'; by Yiruma..

id rather prefer in letter notes

rather than those musical notes..

^^Piano sheet for River flows in you by Yiruma?
Y'know, the other day I got curious and did a simple Google Image search for that piece. It was in the first page of results. Why are people so damn lazy?

(Oh yeah, also, reading music is not complicated, and is actually A LOT quicker and more efficient than reading letters.)Piano sheet for River flows in you by Yiruma?

its not sheet music but its a turial it showed me how to play it

try it its easy to follow!

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I've been trying the same...

bother way... different people have different ways of learning.

TK- this is actually good music constructed here, u don't like it then keep ur thoughts to yourself...

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Its going to be very difficult to find you a 'Letters only' piece of music for a piece of this level, but here's the link to a free downlaod for the sheet music:


In order to download it, you need to make an account on the website.

If you're struggling with notes, this may website may help with some of the basics:


As for other people's comments debating as to whether this piece is classical or not, no... it isnt by our standards, but our duty here is to answer - not to argue. =]

I hope this has helped. =]
I am aghast and dismayed that when composing your question you did not notice the prompts to the fact that a question like this gets asked in here nearly every day. Did you not bother looking? Did you not think about using the search bar?

To add insult to injury, it is not classical music - it is bad instrumental pop and we in this forum are sick tired of the endless questions (all of them the same!) about this piece of pop pap.
Here are the notes-



Kiss the- It is also a duty to ask in the correct forum. Why have categories for forums when no one uses them correctly.

A bad request for a bad music.

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